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Green and Gold for the Win

by EJ

I recently posted two recipe clips on social media, one of a green juice and the other of a golden smoothie, and received requests to list the ingredients for ease of reference. Enthusiasm is welcomed, and interest is always a heartwarming treat. All that is required to joyfully juice away is mentioned herein.

Green and Gold for the Win by EJ for EJblogtv


The Great Green:

2x celery fingers

1x apple

1x kiwi

1x pear

¼ cucumber

1x teaspoon spirulina or 5x spirulina tablets

¼ teaspoon ginger

1x cup of spinach

2x cups of still water

Chop up the celery, apple, kiwi, pear, cucumber and spinach. Place all the ingredients into a blender or juicer and add the spirulina, ginger and water. Blend it all together until it's a smooth fluid. This is a delicious, nutrient-rich and low-calorie drink that is filled with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.


Golden Goodness:

1x banana

¼ cup pineapple

¼ cup papaya

5x strawberries

¼ teaspoon cinnamon

1x carrot

1x scoop protein powder

1x scoop of collagen

¼ teaspoon turmeric

¼ teaspoon coconut

½ cup almond milk

1x cup still water

Dice the banana, pineapple, papaya, strawberries, and carrot and place all of the cubes into a blender. Add the cinnamon, protein powder, collagen, turmeric, coconut, almond milk and water into the mix and blend until the liquid has a smoothie consistency. This tasty golden drink is packed with nutrient-dense goodness.

I alternate between these two drinks daily and consume about three of each per week. It's become an integral part of boosting my immune system, thus contributing to the optimisation of my overall health. The green juice promotes a holistic glow because it aids cell regeneration through its high chlorophyll content, which is known as liquid sunshine. The golden smoothie is replenishing and assists in muscle recovery because it contains anti-inflammatory and protein-rich properties. For me, it's simply green and gold for the win.

Green and Gold for the Win by EJ for EJblogtv


Green and Gold for the Win by EJ for EJblogtv

an Enjoyment Journal about Everything EJ
