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Privately Pampered

by EJ

I am introverted in nature with a very busy, outgoing lifestyle due to the type of work that I do. In a personal capacity, I shy away from the chaos of crowded spaces and keep my personal social circle super small. After a long, hard, productive, and very busy work week, I need that one day to unplug and unwind. By doing this, I am able to process what has been accomplished and prepare for what is to come. I find that without taking one quiet day a week for myself, I am not able to function optimally the week thereafter. My favourite quality time treat is relaxing at a spa. My girlfriends and I make a date to have a spa day whenever possible. We’ve been to many wonderful facilities, such as Heavenly Spa at The Westin, Camelot Spa at the Cape Sun and Table Bay Hotel, Mangwanani Spa in the Winelands, and the Cullinan, to name but a few. A spa day usually comprises many treats, such as massages, a manicure and pedicure, a full body exfoliation, a jacuzzi session, and being immersed in nature and/or stillness.



I also have a standing monthly appointment at Sorbet where I have my manicures and pedicures. I could happily live at a spa and be pampered all day long and chill at the pool in the sunshine like at 12 Apostles. I’m a sucker for vitamin D and that type of thing. I am a firm believer in taking care of yourself so that the quality of what you give to others is the best version of you.


I’ll choose quality time in an intimate and cosy setting over any other type of big or popular event on any given day. I love one-on-one engagements that enable you to focus and give to each other optimally and without the noise and buzz of a hundred thousand others.


Privately Pampered by EJ for EJblogtv

Privately Pampered by EJ for EJblogtv

an Enjoyment Journal about Everything EJ
